What I've Been Reading
I wouldn't say that I love to read. I don't. But I do love to learn. I enjoy taking part in intelligent conversation. How could I do that if I don't know anything? This is why I read - to learn.
I'm going to share with you some incredible books and 2 terrible books that I've read in the past few months. I don't think I could choose a favorite so these are in no particular order. No spoilers, I promise.
Let's get started, shall we?
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Disclaimer: If you make a purchase through a link on this page I may earn a small commission. Of course, there will never be an extra cost to you.
UNFUCK YOURSELF - I think this one appealed to me simply because there was swearing in the title. (I'm drawn to social faux pas). This is not a book that will make you feel all warm and snuggly. This is more of a kick in the ass than Girl, Wash Your Face. I recommend reading Girl, Wash Your Face and Unfuck Yourself back to back. The first one got me thinking, this one got me moving. You might fail, so what? Try again. So if you have a goal in mind but need some motivation to get started read this.
FLOW: THE PSYCHOLOGY OF OPTIMAL EXPERIENCE - This book was published in 1990 but all the principals still apply today. This is not a self-help book! So, so very interesting though. The author explains what the optimal experience is. What Flow is. You know when you're doing something so awesome that time passes too quickly? This book explains that. Explains different ways that different people experience flow, what it is, and why it happens. Also, even though it's written by a professor or psychology I was still able to understand 99.5% of it without having to use Google. It's all there in plain English. ADAM ALTER
IRRESISTIBLE - Did you know that Steve Jobs wouldn't give his children an iPad? This book had me hooked after just 3 pages. It's so interesting because it's something that 98% of the population can relate to. Among other things, the author talks about addiction to technology, why it's so addictive & why it is difficult to treat. Alter knows how to present research in a way that is exciting and easy to understand.
GIRL, STOP APOLOGIZING - I read this booking hoping for everything I found in the previous one. It wasn't quite as great but still pretty good. Definitely still worth a read. I felt this book was more geared toward a working-outside-the-home-mom. Many aspects still applied to me. However, there were some that didn't. Girl, Stop Apologizing gave me a kick in the butt for another goal I have in mind. Good work Rachel.
DRUNK TANK PINK - Some police forces would paint their 'drunk tank' pink because it was shown to calm the inmate(s). If you've ever wondered why you do something a certain way, when you're in a certain place this book will likely have an explanation for you. Interesting facts about day-to-day life that affect you in ways that you didn't realize. Again Alter presents statistics and evidence in a way that is easy to comprehend and keeps it interesting.

Now for the final 2 books that I did not enjoy and therefore, do not recommend.
NATURAL CAUSES - To be totally honest, I couldn't convince myself to finish reading this book. The author is a breast cancer survivor (sincere congratulations) but in this book she suggests that we skip regular medical screening for disease. I feel like she might not have survived breast cancer and been able to write this book had she not investigated the lump or had screening. She makes light of women in the 80's who started to go to the gym and lift weights to be healthy. "Many of the people who got caught up in the health "craze" of the late twentieth century--people who exercised, watched what they are, abstained from smoking and heavy drinking--have nevertheless died...If this trend were to continue, everyone who participated in the fitness culture--as well as everyone who sat it out-- will be dead at some point." Yes, yes they would. But that's no reason to not live a healthy life and have mostly good years because of that heath. I was deeply disappointed by this book.
THE BEAUTY MYTH - This book was recommended to me when I decided that I was happy with being beautiful, and appreciating my beauty, and being ok with people complimenting me on my beauty. The problem with this book is that it's severely outdated. Women have come a LONG way since this book was published in 1990. Wolf writes about how women are expected to spend X amount of their pay on beautifying themselves. They have to spend X amount more on clothing than men to be stylish in the work environment. I don't believe this to be true. Even if it is. I enjoy spending money on products to make me more beautiful. I like new and stylish clothing. I don't believe that I should be made to feel like a failure because I believe that I'm pretty. That's what this book felt like to me. I could go on and on and on about this topic. It's one I feel passionate about. If you've read this book and would like to discuss a different opinion of it please leave me a comment. I've been wanting to discuss this with someone. It was also poorly written/edited. No, I don't recommend this book.
What are some awesome books that you've read lately? I'm always looking for recommendations.
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