Ridiculous Things I Say *language advisory*

Have you ever been to Cape Breton? If you have, you probably noticed that we have our own interesting way of speaking. Ok, well maybe not all of us but many of us use some interesting sayings to get our point across. Even though Damon spent some summers as a child in Cape Breton, when these sayings come out of my mouth he can't help but chuckle. A really great chuckle. I'm glad that the way I talk is so funny to him. The most recent one that he heard come from me is "I fuckin' near piled 'er b'y" It was the first warm day here in Saskatchewan and we were outside cleaning the truck. I stepped on a spot of ice and I fuckin' near piled 'er b'y. Now, Damon understood what I meant because he saw it happen but later asked me where it came from. I almost fell, what did that have to do with a pile? Well, I almost fell into a pile. Simple. Right? Apparently not.