Living in Isolation: Am I Bored? Truths

Good morning! Thanks for stopping back. Or, WELCOME, if this is your first visit. If you've seen my other posts you know that my husband is a member of the RCMP which moves us all over the place. We are now located in Northern Saskatchewan. We are 1.5 hrs away from a grocery store. We are 4 hours away from decent shopping and we are 7 hours away from an air port. From the road where we walk the dogs It's February. It's cold here. This morning is -28 degrees before the wind-chill. My dogs don't even want to go outside. When it's this cold I don't usually want to go outside either, however, I can. I make sure to dress for it. No skin is exposed and I won't stay out for long. So do I get bored when the weather is this unforgiving and I'm stuck in the house all the time. ( I use the word stuck loosely because I'm never actually trapped here. ) ABSOLUTLEY I get bored! And I have bad days; and I cry; and I get frustrated. But then I realize j...